
The Simulators Pack offers a complete solution to optimize the use of any of your simulators with our software SCANeR.

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DISCOVER Simulators

Compact driving simulator

Whether it’s a compact driving simulator or a simulator carrying an entire vehicle, this Pack will provide features to keep SCANeR working to get the most out of your simulators and bring an unchallenged level of realism.

Mores informations


Unique fidelity and enhanced performance

Uses Cases

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Interfacing with complex simulators

Our driving simulation software, SCANeR, assists engineers and researchers in transforming modes of transportation. As the demand for sophisticated simulators capable of integrating entire vehicles increases, rest assured that SCANeR seamlessly integrates with these simulators through the simulator pack. This pack offers essential functions for interfacing the software with every aspect of the motion platform, as well as advanced vehicle models, sensors, and cockpit support systems in real time.

Want to discover how SCANeR can change the way you test and validate ?